Exhibition by Stella Intchovska
21 July 2024 – 17 August 2024
Vernissage | 21 July 2024 | 20:00
Performance | 21:00
Full Moon Gallery
Free Entry!
Stella Intchovska works in the field of contemporary art, performance and art education. She studied art education at Sofia University and then moved to Dresden in 2002 to study social pedagogy at the EHS-Dresden. Since then, her love of art and philosophy has remained unbroken, which is why she continues to take part in various artistic and social projects and numerous exhibitions in her native Bulgaria, as well as in Germany, Poland and the Czech Republic. From 21 July to 17 August, Stella Intchovska will be showing her multi-layered photo collages at the Full Moon Gallery, which she describes as follows:
“When we walk the path through the field of desires and follow the direction to the chosen destination, we hardly notice the thorns that grow next to it. They are not the object of our attention unless we protect ourselves from their thorns or prick ourselves through carelessness. It is important for us to cross the space defined by heaven and earth and that which remains behind us and that which lies ahead of us in order to reach an illusory “goal” there. But that is not the end of our desires. Next, you have to set a new goal and embark on a new journey on the way there. And new thorns along the way …”
At the vernissage on 21 July at 20:00 in the Full Moon Gallery, visitors can expect not only experimental and multifaceted photographs, but also the performance “Fields of Desires” by the artist herself together with Orlin Dvoryanov, as well as a musical accompaniment to the evening by the dynamic sounds of Martha Laux.
Laudation: Prof. Dr Orlin Dvoryanov
Orlin Dvoryanov is an artist and long-time teacher at SU “St Kliment Ohridski”, FNOI, Department of Fine Arts. He is chairman of the association “Art in Action” (Sofia), founded in 1990.
As an artist he works in the fields of painting, drawing, performance and installations. He has participated independently, in tandem or in larger teams in various international exhibitions, performance festivals and European cultural-educational projects in Bulgaria and Europe. He is the author of books, numerous scientific publications and press articles related to contemporary art and art education.
Research interests: contemporary conceptual art (performance and happening, actions and installations), extracurricular education.
Musical accompaniment: Martha Laux
Martha Laux, born in 1984 and in a state of flux ever since, is passionately dedicated to psychological and sociological issues in her texts. Her medium is sound and words – she combines text and music, thoughts and feelings, absurdities and frightening simplicity – resulting in melodic poems and eloquent songs. With convoluted directness, emotional pragmatism and the courage to be kitschy, Martha Laux presents her current programme “zwischen Kopf und Bauch liegt sowohl als auch”.