

17. July 2021 The new NACHTWESEN series of studio paintings created by Flux Wildly, is his first new studio work in the last 10 years. These paintings feature a previously un-used technique in his artworks. Some of these artworks are brand-new creations, while others have been found, scattered in various sketchbooks through time. The NACHTWESEN …

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Opening 24. Jun 2021 // 20.00 Die Bildkonstruktionen sind Endergebnisse von Übersetzungsarbeiten. Dabei versucht der Künstler Notationssysteme zu entwickeln, die hörbare Rhythmikgebilde sichtbar machen sollen.Jens Küster stand lange im Austausch mit Musikern, die nordindische Rhythmik in ihr musikalisches Konzept einbezogen und vertiefte dadurch sein Verständnis. Dieses Rhythmiksystem hat eine mehrere Jahrhunderte alte Tradition und so …

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About Beauty and Truth

Tuesday (27/04/2021) was the April full moon and the exhibition of Joachim Rauch “About Beauty and Truth”. The exhibition is on display until May 4. Come by and take a look at the artwork. Joachim Rauch has been involved with art all his life as an artist, gallery owner and a collector. He is active …

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Peter Koch

27. February 2021 – 13. March 2021 Peter Koch originally comes from the Baltic Sea and has been living in Dresden as a freelance artist for over 30 years. He moves very virtuously between painting and music. He enjoys every moment in which he can express his feelings in creativity. During his studies he built …

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Ingo R.

28.01.2021 – 05.02.2021 Who knows the Neustadt and the Hecht, also knows Ingo R. Dancing, discussing, smoking and tireless. The artist is probably the most exciting import the Black Forest had to offer and enriches the neighborhood with scene. A visit to her studio and home. In Ingo’s realm, it smells of smoke and smoke …

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Corona Moon

By Ljuben Stoev (*1939 – †2016) – Sofia / Bulgarien Social outsiders and the living conditions of the people in his home country Bulgaria, clearly define the artistic work of the painter and graphic artist Ljuben Stoev. Trained at the Universities of Fine Arts in Sofia and Dresden, he developed an individual, ironic and humorous …

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by Enas Arabi 31. October 2020 We all put on masks in our daily lives to present ourselves in a form that is convenient for us. We show a picture of ourselves, behind which joy and contentment but also fear, sadness or insecurity are hidden. According to an ancient Syrian legend, there is a magic …

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Harvest Moon

by Ana Pireva 01. October 2020 There’s hardly any better way to welcome October to the Full Moon Gallery of JKPeV than the opening of the artist Ana Pireva’s ′′ Harvest Moon ′′ exhibition! And what a huge success! More than 70 visitors used the clear full moon night and the radiant harvest moon to …

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Vielleicht Gestern

On the 2nd of September, the Full Moon Gallery opened its windows to the local artist Angel Vasiliev who presented his exhibition “Vielleicht Gestern”. The artist explained that the name “Vielleicht Gestern” or “Maybe yesterday” is a funny reminder to himself not to leave the work for tomorrow and be productive artistically in the here …

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