by Jakyeong

On the 3rd of August at 21:00, the Full Moon Gallery opens its windows first time on Hechtstr. 17 in Hechtviertel with the new exhibition Facebook by the artist, Jakyeong.  Jakyeong has been an observer of different people’s lives on the streets, through newspapers, flyers and commercials.  People might not look so familiar to the foreigner’s eyes and sometimes they can even seem bizarre.

Jakyeong’s daily habit inspired her to present this experience in the art by combining different characters and colors into the twisted theme mixing western-style motives and Korean folk art. Currently, her favourite character is the tiger, which has been strongly associated with the Korean folk art. As a self-taught painter, her works probably are not fully in line with academic rules but she feels free to apply divers’ materials and skills to her works.

Jakyeong has lived in Bern, Switzerland and in Bologna, Italy. Currently she lives in Dresden. Exhibitions of Jakyeong took place in July 2018 at Luda Gallery in Seoul and in July 2019 in a private space in Zirtow.