By Ljuben Stoev (*1939 – †2016) – Sofia / Bulgarien
Social outsiders and the living conditions of the people in his home country Bulgaria, clearly define the artistic work of the painter and graphic artist Ljuben Stoev. Trained at the Universities of Fine Arts in Sofia and Dresden, he developed an individual, ironic and humorous aesthetic style to approach critical social topics. He skilfully combines his own graphic and painterly works with objects from everyday life, whilst presents to the viewer a visual depiction of the theatre of the absurd. The artist moves virtuously between the techniques of collage and installation.
On the other hand, there is Ljuben Stoev’s early work, which, among other things, deals thematically with impressions of the countries he visited. Travelling on Bulgarian cargo ships during the 1970s, he describes his unique impressions through woodcuts and ink drawings. Based stylistically still on the realism of the 20s, he is already developing his own form of expressionism, which permeates the entire life of this versatile artist.
As a point of reference for the Bulgarian art scene, Ljuben Stoev, was represented in numerous exhibitions in his home country and abroad. His work is divided into thematic cycles, some of which are shown in Dresden for the first time this autumn. ‘Dreimal um die Welt’ Grafik und Malerei was presented in Weltclub and now in parallel to the exhibitions in Städtische Galerie Dresden ‘Und die im Dunkeln sieht man nicht’, Jugend- & Kulturprojekt e.V. is pleased to present important parts of the impressive work of this Bulgarian artist in the Full Moon Gallery.
Coco N